This Vampire Craze Has Gone Too Far

Over the weekend I was browsing my Groupons and ran across something that made me giggle. It was a Groupon for a vampire facelift. My first thought was “Well of COURSE everyone wants to look like Pam. She’s fierce.”

But I did some digging and it wasn’t Groupon being funny. It’s actually a THING. Check this out.

During a Vampire face-lift, board-certified physicians take a small blood sample from the client and spin it to extract the platelet-rich plasma. This plasma is then injected into the skin and brushed across it to stimulate the growth of fresh skin cells, fostering a more youthful appearance.

ABC News did a story on it a few months ago. The idea is that you’re using your own blood, not, you know, toxins (botox uses botulism, the sometimes deadly food poisoning bacteria) or plastic fillers or anything. But I think this doctor sums it up:

Dr. Andre Berger of the Rejuvalife Vitality Institute in Beverly Hills, Calif., said the procedure is becoming very popular.

“I think this whole recent theme in the entertainment industry … of using vampire, Dracula themes, has definitely caused a lot of the interest out there,” Berger said.


Any way you dice it, ew.