Busy Bee

I haven’t been around tons lately because I’ve actually been really busy. I’m an “intern” at a local theatre company, which I am digging. They are letting me do some marketing, some grant writing, some web stuff, and some stage management. I love it so much that I’m seriously researching grad programs in Arts Management/Nonprofit Management. I think everyone that really knows me would agree – that’s what I really dig and am kinda good at. It’s nice to feel wanted/needed/useful but to also be creative and work on my own schedule (often at home in my jammies).

This weekend we were very busy and cultured. We saw a steampunked version of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night on Friday night. I was kind of intrigued – on the one hand, steampunk is kinda fun, on the other hand, I HATE it when people jack with Shakespeare (don’t get me started on the WWII musical version of Much Ado About Nothing that I saw). That said, I rather dug the show. They clearly spent a lot of time to understand the language and make it understandable to the audience. They played up the raunchiness of it (let’s face it, Will’s comedies have a lot of raunch in ’em) and were pretty solid. The costumes were kinda pretty – you can see show pictures here.

Saturday we saw a symphony with a pretty unique program. Before that we met a realtor and drove around the Bay Area for a good three hours to get familiar with a bunch of areas and neighborhoods that we’d never been to before. It was exhausting. But we were running on some delicious cupcakes we’d eaten for lunch so it was ok. (Seriously, Vanilla Moon has yummy sammiches and pastries.) During the symphony I realized I REALLY liked one of the houses that we’d seen earlier in the day.

Sunday we were supposed to go to a play but decided to go hit some open houses, including the one house we’d seen the day before. Long story short, we’re gonna see about making a run for the house. There might be a few issues – it’s not been inspected yet – and we still need to secure the loan (but we don’t think that will be too big of a problem) – and it might be popular based on the traffic and comments at the Open House. But I’m excited. I really like this house and really HATE our upstairs neighbors right now so cross your fingers for us!

Now we are at the husband’s office feeling really stressed out about the amount of money we will have to pay to acquire said property but man oh man do we dig the place. And it’s a great price for what we’d be getting (in this stupid market anyway). You know, if it passes inspections and all that.

How was your weekend? Who has big Turkey plans?

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